Straightening your teeth can improve your overall appearance, especially if you suffer from a significant dental misalignment. One of the easiest treatment processes to help with dental alignment is using Invisalign. With a trusted dental team, you will slowly start to notice improvements in your dental arrangement, giving you more confidence and comfort in your facial appearance. Notably, Invisalign services require you to make adequate preparations beforehand, so you want to consult a qualified professional regarding the treatment path and what to expect.
At Beach Dental Care Anaheim, we have served multiple patients seeking teeth alignment services through Invisalign procedures for years. Our team is well-versed in the technical elements required for a successful dental realignment, making us your most trusted partner. Further, you will receive customized treatment to meet your specific needs, including any pre-treatment processes you may need to undergo.
What Invisalign Treatment Entails
Invisalign treatment serves the purpose of realigning your teeth, similar to traditional braces. Therefore, you receive plastic, wearable mouth devices shaped to resemble your dental arrangement to help gradually realign your teeth. Your dentist prepares a set for your upper and lower jaw, depending on how the teeth realignment process will take place.
Usually, Invisalign treatment ranges from a few months to a year, as your teeth need time to adjust to their new positions. The Invisalign does this by applying gentle pressure on the previously misaligned teeth and moving them to the desired position. Thus, the Invisalign set you receive will resemble your dental arrangement but with some allowance for the new dental positions.
You should also note that the treatment requires you to change the Invisalign plastic devices every two weeks for progress. Hence, observing all your dental appointments is necessary because your dentist will phase the treatment appropriately.
Additionally, Invisalign treatment requires you to wear mouth devices for most of the day, with the only allowance for removal being when you are eating. Extending the durations within which you do not have the Invisalign can compromise your treatment and result in regression. Consequently, you may need to achieve proper teeth alignment within the expected time.
Patients Who Should Consider Receiving Invisalign Services
Understandably, every patient presents different needs, depending on their dental condition. Due to this, you want to understand the various conditions treatable using Invisalign to help you decide whether the treatment is suitable for you.
Since Invisalign treatment targets the same results as traditional orthodontic treatment through braces, you can qualify for treatment if you present any of the following conditions:
Dental Overbites
An overbite is a dental condition that manifests when the teeth on your upper jaw are significantly predicted compared to your lower jaw teeth. A healthy set of teeth overlaps the upper and lower jaw when the mouth remains closed.
Therefore, an extended overlap on the upper jaw indicates an underlying dental condition that calls for attention and correction. Common causes of overbites include sucking on your thumb habitually, pressing your tongue against your upper front teeth, and genetic conditions that affect jaw alignment.
Invisalign can correct the condition by applying gentle pressure against your upper jaw teeth to return to the normal alignment and close the overlapping gap. This way, you will be more comfortable closing your mouth, and your overall face structure will improve.
Dental Underbites
Underbites present the same condition as overbites but in the reversed position. In this case, the teeth on your lower jaw will overlap the teeth on your upper jaw significantly when you close your mouth. The position can be uncomfortable, especially when you try to chew or rest your mouth by closing it.
Since underbites lead to your lower teeth projecting above the upper jaw teeth, the jaw position may also distort your facial appearance, giving you a sulking appearance. Underbites can cause additional conditions if left untreated, including sleep apnea.
Thus, Invisalign will treat underbite conditions by pushing the lower jaw teeth back in alignment, helping you restore a natural and more comfortable jaw position.
Crooked Teeth
Some patients may have proper jaw alignment, meaning they do not have underbites or overbites. However, their teeth may be severely crooked from different circumstances. For example, if your permanent teeth grow out of place in the mouth, they will result in crooked teeth. Additionally, any moderate to high impact on your teeth can cause them to move out of place, making them crooked.
Although the condition does not pose any serious health risks, you may find the teeth misalignment uncomfortable, especially if the crooked teeth interfere with your speech and bruise your gums. Subsequently, seeking Invisalign treatment is highly advisable to help you address the problem and gradually work towards more straightly aligned teeth.
Dental Crossbites
Crossbites are a common dental condition manifest by having your upper and lower jaw teeth misaligned to the side. Unlike under and overbites, crossbites distort your dental symmetry. For example, your upper canine may match your lower premolar instead of the corresponding lower canine.
The lack of dental symmetry can interfere with your ability to chew comfortably, as some teeth may be out of position compared to others. Subsequently, you may experience discomfort from the friction or unnecessary force from one misaligned tooth.
If you suffer from a crossbite, you want to consult your dentist as soon as possible to help you address the issue through Invisalign treatment. By the end of your treatment process, your teeth will have realigned to the correct position, giving you better comfort and effective dental application.
Teeth Gaps
Teeth gaps may arise from multiple causes, including trauma to the teeth that results in tooth loss. Additionally, gum disease or tooth decay cause infections around the tooth, warranting its removal to prevent the spread of bacteria.
Alternatively, you may have a natural diastema gap from genetics. The gap is commonly at the front upper incisors and differs in width from one patient to another. Although a natural tooth gap can be a unique feature for some, you are free to close it if uncomfortable.
Therefore, Invisalign treatment will close teeth gaps from natural or trauma-based causes through gradual teeth movement. As mentioned, the Invisalign set applies gentle pressure on the teeth, pushing them toward each other to close the gap.
Open Bites
Open bites are similar to overbites, as they point towards an overlap of your teeth' position between the upper and lower jaw. However, an open bite may also stem from jaw misalignment, meaning that the upper and lower jaw teeth do not touch even when you close your mouth.
The correction process will involve using Invisalign to push your teeth into a better alignment position. An open bite treatment may take longer than other conditions, especially if the distance between the upper and lower jaw teeth is significant when your mouth is resting.
Nevertheless, the treatment will help you achieve the results, provided you remain consistent with wearing the Invisalign and attending all the scheduled dental appointments.
Teeth Crowding
Teeth crowding is another common condition that causes teeth misalignment, resulting in the need for Invisalign services. Usually, teeth crowding occurs if you have a relatively small jaw compared to the size of your teeth. Consequently, when your permanent teeth grow, they may take up more space than the milk teeth, resulting in crowding.
Crowded teeth often result in crooked teeth, especially when your mouth does not provide sufficient space for proper growth and alignment. Thus, you want to approach your dentist for possible solutions, including Invisalign services, to help you reduce crowding.
Advantages Of Invisalign Services Over Traditional Braces Treatment
Although orthodontic treatment using braces can help you resolve the conditions discussed above, Invisalign treatment presents a few advantages. Consider the benefits you stand to gain by using Invisalign over braces to help you easily decide on treatment. Some benefits are:
Invisalign Treatment is Less Conspicuous Compared to Braces
Among the main advantages of Invisalign services over traditional orthodontic services is that you will enjoy teeth realignment treatment using a less conspicuous method. Typically, having braces fixed on your teeth attracts attention because the brackets are widely visible whenever you speak, smile, or eat.
On the other hand, Invisalign devices are clear and align with your dental arrangement. Due to this, they are almost invisible to the naked eye, making them an ideal choice for anyone who prefers to maintain their aesthetics.
Choosing Invisalign is advantageous if your physical appearance directly affects your job. For example, if you are an actor/actress, news presenter, flight attendant, receptionist, or perform any role that requires physical presentations, you will benefit from Invisalign services.
Wearing Invisalign is Easy
Moreover, wearing your Invisalign is easy compared to the permanent fixing of braces on your teeth until the end of treatment. Having an easy time wearing and removing your Invisalign can be beneficial when brushing your teeth, flossing, and swishing mouthwash. Overall, maintaining oral hygiene becomes easier when under Invisalign treatment compared to other options.
You Have Fewer Restrictions on Food Choices
One of the most disadvantageous features of traditional braces treatment is the highly restrictive food options. The situation arises because you need to protect the dental brackets stuck on your teeth from becoming loose or breaking the wire supporting the braces. Eating hard and crunchy food is therefore discouraged until the braces fully realign your teeth.
Conversely, Invisalign treatment lets you retain all your food choices because you will only need to remove the Invisalign set before eating and wear it again when done. This way, you can still enjoy your crunchy food if it requires less force to chew.
Nevertheless, your dentist will discourage you from chewing and biting on extremely hard solids, particularly when using your teeth to open objects. Doing so is harmful and may cause serious dental harm, including teeth breakages.
You Enjoy More Dental Comfort
You also do not have to make significant adjustments to your comfort levels with Invisalign because the set is made according to your teeth' shape and alignment. The benefit is a major improvement from traditional braces that require you to adjust to the metal brackets fitted semi-permanently in your mouth. They often cause scratches on your inner lips, resulting in pain throughout the treatment. You can avoid discomfort by opting for Invisalign instead for smooth and seamless treatment.
Preparations for Invisalign Treatment
Upon settling for Invisalign services to help you fix dental misalignment conditions, you want to prepare yourself for the treatment process by scheduling an appointment with your dentist. The following is the standard treatment procedure leading to the treatment onset:
Your First Consultation Meeting
You begin obtaining Invisalign treatment by coming in for your consultation meeting. The dentist will ask several questions about your medical history. You want to disclose any previous conditions you have faced and how you dealt with them.
These medical issues can be dental, but you cannot include experiences with conditions in other medical practice areas. Doing so can be important, as it may give the dentist critical insight into treating your case.
For example, you may have tooth gaps from tooth losses associated with conditions like Diabetes. Thus, your information can help the doctor determine whether Invisalign treatment is a permanent redress for your problem.
Physical Examination
Your first consultation meeting is also likely to conclude with a physical dental examination which allows the dentist to observe the nature of your dental condition. Usually, the examination process lasts for only a few minutes, within which your dentist will have identified your potential condition and how to remedy it.
X-Ray and 3-D Imaging
On top of the physical examination, you will also need to undergo X-Ray and 3-D imaging procedures before treatment begins. These steps are critical because they give the dentist a look into your skeletal dental arrangement. Using the images, your dentist can predict how the Invisalign treatment will go and whether any pre-treatment procedures are necessary.
Additionally, the 3-D image is instrumental in creating your first Invisalign set. As discussed, the Invisalign formulation and design mirror your dental arrangement, with marginal spaces to accommodate the dental changes you will experience.
Taking Teeth Impressions
Further, teeth impressions help guide your dentist in creating the best treatment process for you, so you will need to take the impressions. To do this, your dentist uses special dental clay that takes up your teeth' shape.
When the mold dries, it forms a replica of your dental arrangement that your dentist will remain with for reference in designing a treatment model. Taking mouth impressions is a quick exercise that will likely happen during your first consultation meeting.
Pre-treatment Procedures
Finally, you may need to undergo pre-treatment procedures before receiving your first set of Invisalign. These procedures should pave the way for a smooth treatment process, which is crucial to the success of the Invisalign services you receive.
For example, if you suffer from crowded teeth, your dentist may recommend teeth removal of selected teeth to create enough space for realignment. Similarly, a patient with an underbite may have to use night gear for a few weeks to help contain their sleep apnea(if they have the condition) before teeth realignment with Invisalign begins.
Receiving the Invisalign
After concluding the preparations, you are set to receive your Invisalign. The dentist will call you to receive the set within a few days to a week after the initial consultation. Once at the clinic, you receive the Invisalign and instructions on how to wear and clean the plastic.
You will receive instructions on when to receive your second and subsequent set of Invisalign, usually within two weeks of receiving the first set. Afterward, you want to continue wearing the Invisalign at all times unless you eat, brush, or clean the Invisalign plastic.
Cost of Invisalign Services
The average cost of Invisalign treatment in California is $3000, but it usually ranges between $1800 to $9500. Your total treatment cost depends on whether you will receive pre-treatment procedures and the location you choose for your treatment.
Find an Experienced Dentist Near Me
If you or a loved one requires dental realignment procedures, you want to liaise with a trusted dentist who understands the inner workings of each process. Their experience in providing Invisalign treatment for proper teeth alignment should be sufficient and reputable, giving you the confidence to proceed. Furthermore, your dental team should be ready to hear your concerns and disclose information necessary to help you make decisions when required.
At Beach Dental Care Anaheim, we dedicate our services to improving our patients’ smiles, one day at a time. Partnering with our dental clinic to receive Invisalign treatment means you have access to a skilled and dedicated dental team. Additionally, we can attend to any emergencies or urgent questions you may have leading up to the beginning of treatment. By starting with us, you can expect to attain a brilliant smile that boosts your daily confidence. For more information on Invisalign services, call us today at 714-995-4000.